Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Long time, bloggerville. The wild shininess of Facebook has been dulling my sword, reducing poetic moments to 12 word boasts. I've been eying Livejournal like a familiar yet mildly disappointing ex-wife. Blogger, we'll see what comes of you yet. It is the dark months, time for brooding and declarations.

So, anways. I have an iffy garage door opener, and sometimes my bike doesn't make it in the garage when I get home at night. Only once has it locked me out of my main source of transportations. So, when the bike comes home, I have this cute bike stand thing and I lay down newspaper like a good boy because, ya know, the carpet was only a few years old when I moved in. ick. still, I don't like to clean shit anymore than absolutely necessary so down go the Sunday Times. Do that with an Ipad.

It's given me an opportunity to pay more attention to my bike, literally. It drips and makes little noises as it settles into the warmer living room. Oh, I don't really have a space designated for bikes inside, that was the point of the garage, dammit.

Point of this is, wow my bike is really dirty. All winter, I'm weekly wiping down the chain, applying heave weight oil for the winter grime, wiping the rims so they don't squeal (clean rims wear slower too) and knock the general grime out of the fenders. This leaves a large part of the bike that doesn't get cleaned. I'm impressed with just how much mud will stay on a bike. Photos in a minute

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wonderland Trail 2010

Sarah did the whole 96 miles in 8 days, I did ~43 in 4.

Wonderland Trail August 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Point83 Family Photo 2010

Point83 Family Photo 2010
Originally uploaded by joeball
When I'm an old man I'll think of nights like these. Withered and tired, I will pull forth from distant memory images from as when still a young man I rode a bicycle and cavorted with amazing, passionate individuals united under a common joy.

I feel like I have lived a fairly large chunk of my life by now, and instead of any morbidness I am more enchanted and amazed every day. Children make me smile. A friend long disconnected and lost, tending bar at a garden party caterwauls back into existence but for only a spot of an evening. An evening spent in dedication to another over the top adrenaline suckling evening, with 50 fellow souls. A family portait with a beautiful sunset, forever capturing the moment.

I'll forget your name. We'll never see each other again after some point in all likelihood, or, in this brave new future do we never lose anyone but to the great beyond? I'm in the 6th year of a fantasy football league where I've never met a participant in person yet have shared pain and joys through email and photos. A friend from long ago, college was it? High school maybe even? Well she is picking me up in the middle of Iowa on a Saturday morning, the airport more an hour from her house.

I hope I never loose anyone in this photo, and in a way I never will. The love I give, the joy in my laugh is your love. Your laughter.
I want to be an old man, tired from all the joy.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I miss the old days of the internet where I could bitch about the things in life that challenge me, or occasionally leave me frustrated. Anymore, when I put up a post about how an activity I'm a part of (a band, lets say) sometimes doesn't do for me everything that it could I get a snarky PM back from the organizers bashing me for my "shitty attitude" and telling to buck up or buck off.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

“The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is that it scatters your force. It loses your time and blurs the impression of your character… Under all these screens {brands to which a person subscribes} I have difficulty to detect the precise man you are: and of course so much force is withdrawn from your proper life. But do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

and then

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bike Touring

Hwy 20 Adventure 5.10 192

Over a couple days preceding and including Memorial Day Weekend, Sarah and I went out on tour, crossing a large chunk of Washington State east to west, on the North Cascades/Hwy 20.

It was our first multi day trip together, and it went smashingly well.

The ride was no pansy fun ride to the coast, this was five mountain passes in five days. 15,000 feet of elevation work over 350 miles. It had rained for two weeks straight before we left, and it rained a little every day but one. Oh that first day? We started with wandering Spokane looking for our ride then an hour car rid north and then a 105 miles. All fully loaded. Hell, we both brought stuff we never even used, some of it laughably inappropriate. Moby Dick? Who brings Moby Dick? I brought two pedal wrenches, buying the second at the last moment not sure if I had packed mine and too lazy to dig it out in the bike shop.

The route was my job, I managed it fairly well using Adventure Cycling's Northern Tier route. I was really impressed with their maps, on top of the sheer bulk of data they cram on a page, they are in color and are printed on heavy waxed stock so that they will survive getting wet and days in your back pocket or handlebar bag.

All in all it went very smoothly and I was impressed with how strong Sarah is, yet still very easy to travel with. This girl seriously has the patience, and engine, of a saint.

Flash forward a week and she asks me after dinner tonight if I ever get a post-adventure let down. I told her that " oh my god yes" and I think it put her at ease it a little.

Seriously though, the first week back from a bike tour will be a roller coaster. Like most, I'm usually quite ready and willing to get off the bike for a day or so after a long tour. Coming back to work is usually busy, and if you've planned it right can be a springboard opportunity to success. The downstroke is when you're legs stiffen back up and you realize you don't _get_ to ride your bike all day, there is no mountains to climb, just the usual mountain of bullshit. This slips into a particular funk of whocaresfuckitthisisnt biketouring usually by the next weekend. It won't clear it up until you take a long ride and follow it with a reminder of how great Seattle can be; slide into warm booth and a cold local beer paired with great food. Reliable as the tides, this cycle rolls upon returning from a tour every time.

The weird thing is, with these post-partum depression bits, I don't get them from other vacation-y trips. I don't have any sort of this problem coming back from Mexico, for example. Even today, a week in town, I'm already looking at bike touring magazines with a hungry lust for road in my stomach.

Looking forward, the next bike tour is largely pre-arranged and should bean entirely differnt kind of fun. 40,000 people on bike or supporting bikes kind of fun. Oh yes, I get to know the fun that is flying into Omaha, I'm going to Iowa. RAGBRAI is the last week of July. I hear great things about this huge week long group ride, I can't wait. Between now and Iowa, I have an 8 day hike, a trip circumventing Mt Rainier with Sarah. This is her big hike, that she's been lusting over for way too long. She largely already has it planned out, its just on me to make it work with the day job and be in shape to go.
Its nice to know that I've found myself with someone who craves the same flavor of adrenaline. The only downside to this heavy regiment of adventure is that by Labor Day I'm largely out of vacation/sick time, so it looks like I'm working through Christmas/New Years again. Know what? I'd have it no other way.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Day

Here's the first post on the new blog. This day commemorates me leaving Livejournal, mostly because of a perception of lack of readership, and annoyance with their new formats. Welcome, and hello.

I'm getting a cat tonight, pictures coming I promise.